Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Hello world!

Welcome to the world! Adele Miriam Kirkby-Sing joined us on 5 July 2009 at 9.25, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton NZ. It had been hard work for her mum: she was 2 weeks and 4 days post date!

Labour began in earnest (active labour: 5cm) about 9pm on Saturday 4th. About 24hours later we got to meet our little girl. Mike was going to catch her but she was too quick! He did get to cut the umbilical cord though. It is not as gory as one has been lead to believe.

Adele means 'noble' and 'kind'. Miriam of course has the biblical resonance (Moses' older sister was Miriam, see Exodus) and is a form of Mary. Mike's Grandma Kirkby was a Mary and Christine's Grandma Smythe was Kathleen Mary. Adele shares the same birthday as Grandma Mary Kirkby (19?-199? - what is it dad?)

Dad trying to dress Adele. Not as easy as you would think, getting little legs and arms and pulling tops over little heads is nerve-wracking: don't want to hurt the wee mite now do we!

Mum finishes!

Knackered. Christine was in the hospital after birth from the Sunday till Tuesday afternoon - she was in the shop for a repair job - our Adele thought it would be a good idea to raise her hand as she emerged victorious! Ouch!

Trip home. Tip for beginners: sort out how to readjust straps on babyseat before trying to put baby in babyseat.


  1. These are beautiful photos! Adele's just gorgeous, and Mum's looking great too :-)

  2. Love the photos and story Mike. Hope all is well at home. Can't wait to see her next school hols!!

  3. cute as. Congrats, welcome to the adventure of parenting! Look forward to meeting your little treasure!
